
All-Native Basketball Organizers say Beware of Scammers

Logo for the All Native Basketball Tournament (MY PC)

When you search for the All Native Basketball Tournament on Facebook, several pages come up.

However the only page verified to belong to the tournament is the one at the top - with 12k followers and over 300 reviews.

As for the rest of the pages - organizers of the tournament wrote on their own page that it’s come to their attention that there is a scam ANBT Facebook page, and that they’ve been trying to flag it as fraud.

Commenters added that there are not only scam pages, but scam “people” as well, who are attempting to add folks who are connected to the tournament as friends.

Tournament organizers wrote that the scammers have been corresponding with some teams, and have actually gotten tournament fees out of one of them.

Organizers are asking for the public’s assistance to report any unofficial pages or people - and say that money should only be sent to the email address referenced in the tournament’s invitation package.