
Skeena Mall Hosts Literacy Day Event

This past Friday saw an hour and a half long event held at what was once the site of the Just Cozy store in the Terrace Skeena Mall as a way of celebrating a holiday.

The Holiday in question being celebrated was Family Literacy Day, but the actual date of the Holiday was on Monday.

The reason that the event was held a few days before the Holiday was so that they might be able to attract a few more families since the local School was closed that day.

Several organizations such as Northern Health, FamilySmart, the Heritage Park Museum and the Skeena Diversity Society all attended to contribute several different games, arts and crafts based around lettering and even some math and free books were available too.

But an event like this one more than likely will not be the last of it’s kind to take place this year in Terrace as the hope is that the City may have something for Valentine’s Day or possibly even Spring Break.

Each event like this that the City puts on is free for everyone to attend and will be located somewhere within the local community.