
Smithers recently finalizes 5 year Economic Development Plan

(Photo source: Joshua Azizi/CFTK).

Not too long ago, the Town of Smithers officially adopted their half decade long Economic Development Plan that is set to cover the Town from 2025 until 2030 at a recent Town Council Meeting.

This plan was able to come together thanks to funding from the BC Government’s Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program.

The plan also contains 5 main goals that Smithers will look achieve in the next 5 years and they include pursuing economic diversification, improving business retention and undergoing expansion, securing additional land supply and enabling land-based investment while also enhancing health services, housing diversity, recreation amenity and placemaking.

The entirety of the extensive 5 year plan, including a full individualized breakdown of all their goals, can be seen on the Town of Smithers website.