
Smithers Storefront Spruce Up Program now available

(Photo source: Joshua Azizi/CFTK).

Similar to an announcement that Prince Rupert recently made, the Town of Smithers is also offering a chance for local businesses in the downtown area to do some upgrades.

Smithers is reintroducing their Storefront Spruce Up program for 2025, a program that will allow eligible businesses that apply and then later get selected to get funding that they can put towards either renovating or even redesigning their retail storefronts.

And similar to Prince Rupert’s version of the program, grants given out go up to a maximum of $5,000 and the funds were also provided by the Northern Development Initiative Trust.

The deadline to apply for a grant is June 1st and the application, alongside what costs can be covered by the program, is available on the Town of Smithers website.